
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Columunist Jawn Murray: Apologizes for ‘Nappy Headed’ Joke

I was listening to the Tom Joyner Morning show and he mentioned that many woman want Jawn Murray fired from his job for calling black woman Nappy Headed.  I don't care for the word "Nappy" but, many people use it.  I don't think he meant to hurt anyone and don't think he should be fired from his job.  After all he's natural himself. What do you think?  Do you hate the word nappy?

"All those militant-nappy headed #angryblack women
 who didn't think Tyler Perry was worthy of doing 'For Colored Girls' can kick rocks."

According to publicist Patti Webster, entertainment columnist Jawn Murray, most notably known for his daily column in AOL Black Voices and as entertainment correspondent for the Tom Joyner Morning Show, offered, today, a public apology for his joke that many people feel offended Black women.

On Wednesday, October 20, 2010, Murray posted a comment on his twitter page which said, “all those militant-nappy headed #angryblack women who didn’t think Tyler Perry was worthy of doing For Colored Girls can kick rocks.” Murray’s joke didn’t sit well with a quorum of women who feel his comments were derogatory and offensive to Black women overall.

In response to the many negative responses he has received (via twitter) for what he considers, “a joke which fell flat,” Murray has posted a public apology on YouTube to clarify his comment and address those who were offended by his words.

Says Murray, “I understand how things can be misconstrued and taken out of context in the social networking space. My humor has always been a bit irreverent, edgy and sarcastic, but I understand how this particular joke could have offended my sisters with natural hair. I sincerely love Black women and will never, EVER do or say anything to intentionally hurt them. I am truly and humbly sorry.”


Enjoy the freedom(✿◠‿◠)


  1. I dont know the history of the word 'nappy" but i dont like the sound of it. It shouldnt come from anyone's and especially not any non-black person. Its like the use of the N-word and non-black people using it because black people toss it around.
    i dont think he should be fired but I hope he refrains from using that word again.

  2. I think he was out of line, and I think tyler perry is tragically unfunny, his movie are so full of stereotypes, ugh, its exhausting...

  3. I grew up hating my beautiful black skin and my nappy hair because I was taught IGNORANCE. Now that I have come into the light and am capable of embracing my true self, I immediately flip the script on the Nappy Headed jokes whenever I hear them because they are truly ridiculous. My hair is NAPPY and I personally don't give a Flying FLIP what someone else has to say about my locs. I appreciate Jawn taking the time to apologize to those whom he may have offended.

    Tyler Perry is funny, but I am not a fan of all his work. He shows support of family and strong black motherhood/womanhood (which is great) - but I also think his work is full of sterotypes which is not good for our people.


Thanks for all your comments! I really do appreciate them. Enjoy your freedom (✿◠‿◠)