Monday, August 30, 2010
How to Grow Natural Hair
Step One: Buy a High Quality Hair Growth Product
Unnatural hair care products are a no-no for someone who wants long-lasting, healthy hair growth. Find a hair growth product that contains powerful essential oils, natural herbs, and vitamin rich nutrients your hair needs to survive. Look for products with ingredients such as aloe vera, citrus Fruits, Jojoba, Rosemary, and Sage. Make sure you stay away from all natural products that use natural extracts. Extracts are not as powerful as essentials oils. They are a cheap substitute for the real thing. Although there are several natural hair care products on the market, not all hair growth products are created equal. Make sure you read the fine print. Most "natural" products still contain phosphates, sodium lauryl sulfate, petroleum, mineral oil, and other lab created humectants that ultimately damage your hair. My advice---if you can't read the ingredients, don't buy the product. You can always make your own products with natural ingredients.
Step Two: A Healthy Hair Eating Plan
Your hair is all protein. Thus, you need a protein rich diet, chocked fill of B Vitamins and other hair-strengthening nutrients. Increase your intake of fish. It is full of healthy proteins and essential fatty acids and natural oils your hair needs. In addition, drink a protein supplement or shake everyday. If you follow this plan, not only will your hair grow, but you will also lose weight. That is, of course, if you lay off the junk food.
Step Three: Drink Water
Eight to ten glasses of water is an absolute requirement. Drinking water flushes your body of toxins, chemicals, and impurities that stifle your hair growth and disrupt your hormone and enzyme imbalances. Water also transports the important nutrients your body needs throughout your body. Hate drinking water? Add lemon or orange slices to have a healthy, tasty alternative.
Enjoy the freedom(✿◠‿◠)
Friday, August 27, 2010
Oh My Sisterlocks Featuring Youtuber: Pretty Dimples
Pretty Dimples
OMS: Where are you from?
Pretty Dimples: I am from Orlando.
OMS: Random fun fact about yourself?
Pretty Dimples: I have a goofy personality sometimes. I can be really silly, lol and I love cats.
OMS: What inspired you to go natural?
Pretty Dimples: My hair seemed to be thinning and my mom was going natural. She gave me the extra push.
OMS: How long did you transition/Describe your transitioning experience.
Pretty Dimples: I only transitioned for 4 months. A few roller sets, a weave pony tail and off comes the hair. I couldn’t take the two textures anymore.
OMS: What do you love about your natural hair?
Pretty Dimples: I love everything about my natural hair. The good and the bad. The shrinkage and the different textures But what I love most is that for the first time I'm really happy with my hair even when I have bad hair days. It’s so much easier to fix if I need to. I love the fact that I embraced the look.
OMS: What's one natural hair myth you wish would die?
Pretty Dimples: Natural hair or Black people's hair can’t grow.
OMS: Has your natural hair changed how you view yourself?
Pretty Dimples: Yes. I realize that I can be beautiful with whatever hair I choose. It’s like the India Arie song,“I am not my hair.”
OMS: Name your top three hair products and what you like about them.
Pretty Dimples: This is a hard question. I have so many products that I use and love. So #1 would have to be my Shea butter. Not because I make it, but because it really helps my hair. It gives it so much moisture and shine it’s just unbelievable. #2 would be Herbal Essences conditioner. I think I like all of them, lol. They are rich and creamy and smell wonderful. #3 would be…well I don’t know something from Miss Jessie’s line of products, lol.
OMS: What advice do you have for those thinking about transitioning?
Pretty Dimples: Be positive and confident. Don’t listen to the negativity that you may get from others. Don’t quit after a few weeks of transitioning, lol. See it all the way through. That’s the only way you will see how your hair will turn out. Don’t compare your hair to others because you will always be disappointed.
OMS: Where can people find you online?
Pretty Dimples: Youtube
They can also view my products at
OMS: Guess What (She's my daughter )
Enjoy the freedom(✿◠‿◠)
OMS: Where are you from?
Pretty Dimples: I am from Orlando.
OMS: Random fun fact about yourself?
Pretty Dimples: I have a goofy personality sometimes. I can be really silly, lol and I love cats.
OMS: What inspired you to go natural?
Pretty Dimples: My hair seemed to be thinning and my mom was going natural. She gave me the extra push.
OMS: How long did you transition/Describe your transitioning experience.
Pretty Dimples: I only transitioned for 4 months. A few roller sets, a weave pony tail and off comes the hair. I couldn’t take the two textures anymore.
OMS: What do you love about your natural hair?
Pretty Dimples: I love everything about my natural hair. The good and the bad. The shrinkage and the different textures But what I love most is that for the first time I'm really happy with my hair even when I have bad hair days. It’s so much easier to fix if I need to. I love the fact that I embraced the look.
OMS: What's one natural hair myth you wish would die?
Pretty Dimples: Natural hair or Black people's hair can’t grow.
OMS: Has your natural hair changed how you view yourself?
Pretty Dimples: Yes. I realize that I can be beautiful with whatever hair I choose. It’s like the India Arie song,“I am not my hair.”
OMS: Name your top three hair products and what you like about them.
Pretty Dimples: This is a hard question. I have so many products that I use and love. So #1 would have to be my Shea butter. Not because I make it, but because it really helps my hair. It gives it so much moisture and shine it’s just unbelievable. #2 would be Herbal Essences conditioner. I think I like all of them, lol. They are rich and creamy and smell wonderful. #3 would be…well I don’t know something from Miss Jessie’s line of products, lol.
OMS: What advice do you have for those thinking about transitioning?
Pretty Dimples: Be positive and confident. Don’t listen to the negativity that you may get from others. Don’t quit after a few weeks of transitioning, lol. See it all the way through. That’s the only way you will see how your hair will turn out. Don’t compare your hair to others because you will always be disappointed.
OMS: Where can people find you online?
Pretty Dimples: Youtube
They can also view my products at
OMS: Guess What (She's my daughter )
Enjoy the freedom(✿◠‿◠)
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Vitamins Good For The Hair
Hello Freedom lockers, Did you take your vitamins today? Read on...
Vitamin A
Vitamin A (Beta Carotene) is essential to hair growth as well as promoting healthy skin, hair and nails. Vitamin A helps produce healthy sebum in the scalp. A deficiency in Vitamin A will cause dry hair and rough skin. Food sources rich in Vitamin A are fish liver oil, meat, milk, cheese, eggs, spinach, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, apricots and peaches
Vitamin C
Vitamin C deficiency manifests itself in many ways, but one of the most common ways is dry and brittle hair and skin. Sources of vitamin C are citrus fruits, strawberries, kiwi, cantaloupe, pineapple, tomatoes, and dark green vegetables.
Copper is an essential component of melanin, the pigment in hair and skin. In cases where gray hair is caused by a copper deficiency, taking copper may restore hair to its natural color. Copper is vital for promoting healthy hair growth and a healthy scalp. Copper can help stimulate dormant hair follicles.
B Vitamin Family
The deficiency of B vitamins can lead to hair loss, weak hair and loss of hair color. The B Vitamin Complex may strengthen hair, act as a hair and scalp conditioner, and slow down hair loss. Biotin may even stimulate new hair growth if the hair loss can be traced to a biotin deficiency. Another B vitamin, PABA (para-aminobenzoic acid) may protect hair roots and help prevent hair loss. It can also reverse graying in cases where the cause is a deficiency of PABA or other B vitamins. Vitamin B12 is a naturally occurring essential nutrient that is usually found in milk, red meats, fish, poultry and eggs. Vitamin B12 is essential to the human body’s ability to absorb other nutrients. Biotin has been referred to as Vitamin H. But, Biotin is really a part of the Vitamin B Complex. The primary function of Biotin allows the body to efficiently transport oxygen to the tissues and cells responsible for the growth of hair. Biotin is a proven hair growth vitamin and a preventative to excessive hair loss. It appears to metabolize fatty acids which are a valuable growth factor in numerous processes in the body including the hair. Biotin is also seen as an aid in preventing hair turning grey. Biotin deficiency can be diagnosed by thinning hair, brittle nails and other skin disorders. Folic acid, otherwise known as Vitamin B9, is important to the hair growth process because it aids in the body’s ability to absorb Vitamin B12 and zinc in cells. Folic acid is critical for the body to be able to produce adequate amounts of myelin. Myelin is now known to be critical to the maintenance of healthy nails, skin and hair. While taking B Vitamins will not restore permanently lost hair, proper B vitamin intake may minimize the onset of hair loss in the first place. Deficiency of PABA, Biotin, Folic Acid and Pantothenic Acid appears to affect hair color. In those cases, hair color can normally be restored by getting the proper amounts of these B vitamins. Even if hair color is not restored, the hair can improve in quality and strength. Inositol is also a member of the B vitamin group. In laboratory animals, a diet lacking Inositol produced baldness, but when the vitamin was added to the food of these animals, the hair grew back again. It was also observed that male animals lost hair twice as fast as female animals. The result of this experiment would suggest that males require a higher Inositol intake than females. Pantothenic Acid (B5) also known as Calcium Pantothenate is important to the health of the skin and scalp. Pantothenic acid is necessary for the well being of every body cell and neither carbohydrate nor fat can be changed into energy without it. Megadoses of Vitamin B5 may help with control of acne.
Choline is a B vitamin like nutrient that is helpful in countering the effects of stress. Choline supplements prescribed to balding patients produced significant results to prove choline's worth in hair loss. Inositol, a B complex vitamin has a particular affinity with choline, these two vitamins work together well.
Many people with poor diet, or those on a crash diet experience hair loss. One of the reasons for this hair loss is zinc deficiency in the body. Zinc is an essential mineral, vital for growth and development of all the body’s systems. It is a major part of the synthesis of DNA and RNA and aids in the production and processing of at least 42 vital enzymes in the body. Zinc is responsible for cell production, tissue growth and repair, and the maintenance of the oil-secreting glands of the scalp. It also plays a large role in protein synthesis and collagen formation. For this reason, zinc is important for both hair maintenance and dandruff prevention. Studies show that zinc may protect hair follicles from excess DHT, the main factor in androgenic (male) pattern hair loss. Zinc is often associated with hair regrowth and used to help prevent and treat hair loss. Zinc has been shown to be a potent inhibitor of 5 alpha-reductase activity. Vitamin B6, along with zinc improves this activity. Copper also works along with Zinc. In laboratory tests animals fed with a zinc supplement showed signs of more hair growth, as opposed to loss of hair in animals that were deprived of zinc in their feed. It was discovered that there was a change in the hair protein structure when zinc was deficient in the diet. Severe zinc deficiency in humans has been shown to produce baldness and scalp problems that were reversed when zinc was returned to the diet. Zinc is also believed to boost the immune system, a great side effect. As with other essential nutrients, high stress levels as well as a lack of the nutrient in the diet can cause zinc deficiency.
Silica (Silicon Dioxide)
Studies in the former Soviet Union have shown that silica therapy slowed hair loss. Silicon deficiency has been shown to reduce maintenance of hair, skin and nail cells.
Protein is the major ingredient in hair itself. Your hair is at least 90 percent protein. Other hair supplement systems require you to take several amino acid (bits of protein) capsules throughout the day. While it is possible that you could have a protein deficiency, the average American diet provides plenty of protein. We have included the basic amino acids most people will get the greatest benefit from right in the H2G Growth Supplement. L-Cysteine (amino acid) speeds up hair growth and increases hair shaft diameter resulting in fuller hair. L-Cysteine has been reported to facilitate longer hair growth. We also offer our H2G Hair Strength Supplement. But, we have chosen to not make any separate pills a mandatory part of our hair supplement regimen. By doing this, we are able to accomplish two things. First, we can keep the monthly cost of our regimen low. Treasured Locks H2G Hair Growth Supplement is approximately 1/2 the cost of competing products. Second, because you do not have to take multiple pills during the day, the regimen is easier to stick with. The philosophy of “If a little is good, more is better” does not apply to protein. Even though hair is made of protein, too much protein does not make hair grow even faster. Think of protein as the building block of hair, skin and nails. You need just enough. But, if you have more than your body can use, the excess is just wasted.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E is a powerful anti-oxidant that helps increase circulation. Vitamin E increases oxygen uptake, which improves circulation to the scalp. It improves overall health. Since hair health is tied to the immune system, vitamin E is believed to stimulate hair growth by enhancing the immune function.
MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane)
You may have heard about MSM. It has received a lot of attention as a "super nutrient" over the past few years. MSM is an organic sulfur compound. It is contained naturally in food. MSM is found in most fresh (raw) fruits, green vegetables, milk, meat, seafood and some grains. In its pure form, it is a white, odorless, tasteless powder. However, MSM is volatile. In foods, MSM is often destroyed by over processing. Unless you eat a lot of raw food, it is quite possible that you will not get sufficient quantities of MSM to contribute to your sulfur requirement. The vitamins and amino acids included in our H2G Hair Growth Supplement work with MSM to repair and create healthy cells. MSM is rapidly absorbed into the body (the good news). But, it is rapidly turned over in the body, also (the not so good news). Therefore, it is important to get the right amounts on a very regular basis. Any excess MSM is rapidly eliminated from the body and numerous studies (including long term studies) show no known side effects. MSM has been widely used as a dietary supplement for a long time. The first patents issued for MSM as a dietary supplement were in 1985 and 1986.
Grape Seed Extract
Grape Seed Extract contains flavonoids OPCs, which offer powerful antioxidant protection.The flavonoids in Grape Seed Extract quench free radicals and potentiate other antioxidants like Vitamin E and Vitamin C. One in vitro study showed that the flavonoids in Grape Seed Extract prolonged the life span of Vitamin C by 400 percent Another in vitro study showed that exposing blood vessel linings to pine bark OPCs (similar to Grape Seed Extracts) boosted their vitamin E content by 15 percent.
Enjoy the freedom(✿◠‿◠)
Monday, August 23, 2010
Products I Use
Hi freedom lockers ^_^ When I was a loose natural I was such a product junkie. I believed I owned every natural hair care brand out there from shampoos to conditioners, gels you name it. I had lots of fun with them. I even cooked up a few products of my own.
Since being sisterlocked I find I don't need to use many products. First of all because my hair is so fine, loose textured I don't want my locks coming undone. For goodness sakes it took over a year before I felt comfortable styling my locks or adding a product to them.
These are my spritzers that I use from time to time..
Enjoy the freedom(✿◠‿◠)
Since being sisterlocked I find I don't need to use many products. First of all because my hair is so fine, loose textured I don't want my locks coming undone. For goodness sakes it took over a year before I felt comfortable styling my locks or adding a product to them.
These are my spritzers that I use from time to time..
Rose Water, nice and refreshing and makes my locks smell good too.
Sisterlocks Moisturizer, I usually use this right after a wash makes my locks have a sheen to them.
Hairever II, this product doesn't really have a distinctive smell, but I love the way my locks look after spritzing.
(Whispering) I do want to experience using other products...any suggestions?
Enjoy the freedom(✿◠‿◠)
Friday, August 20, 2010
Hair Style Of The Day
Hi freedom lockers, I did my first collage! The pictures aren't the greatest but, I did it...Yay!! For this style I parted the front in three sections (with hands of course... no combs please. Ha ha!) The left and right sides are twisted. The middle section I did a basket weave. Laid the ends of all three sections to the middle of my head. I then took a small section of locks from the left/right sides ( by the ears) took those two and tied them together in the middle like tying a shoe string. Doing this held down the ends of the three sections. Since my locks are really getting long I then took the same ends tied them underneath (nape area) making a pony tail effect. No pins needed. ^_^
Enjoy the freedom(✿◠‿◠)
Enjoy the freedom(✿◠‿◠)
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Maintain Your Hair During Exercising
A study conducted by the Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center, in Winston-Salem, N.C., suggested that 31% of the 103 African-American women surveyed admitted that they exercise less because it may harm their hairstyle, according to a study released in November, 2007. All of the women studied agreed that it is important to lead a healthy life, which includes exercise. Exercise is especially important because of diabetes, hypertension, and complications due to obesity, including heart disease.
If you are going to the gym or for a run make sure to use an elastic holder covered in cloth and a holder without a metal clasp to avoid ripping your hair. If your hair is too short to pull back in a pony tail wrap your hair up with a scarf. Place a sweat band at your hairline to keep sweat out of your eyes. So us naturals and loc wearers we don't have to worry about messing up our hair during exercise :D
Enjoy the freedom(✿◠‿◠)
Monday, August 16, 2010
World's longest dreadlocks hair wash video/Picture
I thought I should share this with you ladies! All I can say is Wow! :D
They look really healthy. Asha has been growing them for 21 years.
Enjoy the freedom(✿◠‿◠)
They look really healthy. Asha has been growing them for 21 years.
Asha Zulu Mandela
Locks: 19 feet 6 1/2 inches long.
Enjoy the freedom(✿◠‿◠)
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
How To Wash Sisterlocks
•Step 1
Mix equal parts water and shampoo in a spray bottle. (Use any clarifying shampoo)
•Step 2
Divide your hair in four to six equal sections.
•Step 3
Spray your scalp with the shampoo-water mixture until the scalp is saturated.
•Step 4
Clean your scalp. Concentrate on cleaning your scalp during the first shampooing. Rinse thoroughly.
•Step 5
Spray shampoo-water mixture on your hair, this time concentrating on the locks. Squeeze the lather down the length of your hair.
•Step 6
Rinse thoroughly, again squeezing water down the length of your locks until you remove all the shampoo.
Oh how refreshing it feels after a shampoo wash!
Enjoy the freedom(✿◠‿◠)
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Extra Large Shower Cap
I often wonder as my locks grow I will eventually out grow my shower cap. Yes, I still use a shower cap. Lol! I just don't want to go to bed with wet locks. I do pull the front of my cap back so my locks cover well in the back and the front of my head is exposed so I say it's time for a larger one don't you agree ^_^ I was browsing around on the web and came across "Magic Water Proof Shower Cap with Elastic Band Extra Large. The price is just right at $4.99 and it's cute.
Here is another one from ebay Now this one will definitely work! It's really too big for me right now. I could order it and save it. $14.95 plus $4.95 shipping
So, what do you think? Any suggestions?
Enjoy the freedom(✿◠‿◠)
Here is another one from ebay Now this one will definitely work! It's really too big for me right now. I could order it and save it. $14.95 plus $4.95 shipping
So, what do you think? Any suggestions?
Enjoy the freedom(✿◠‿◠)
Monday, August 9, 2010
Styling Sisterlocks
•Step 1
Wash your sisterlocks. Until your locks mature band and braid your locks to keep them from coming apart. Use a gentle shampoo and conditioner whenever you wash your locks. After washing your hair you can oil your scalp with an essential oil. This keeps your scalp hydrated and free from itching. It is important to follow hair care instructions from your consultant.
•Step 2
After you have washed your locks you are ready to style them. Sisterlocks are unique because you can treat them like any other hairstyle. Style your locks like you did before you had locks.
•Step 3
Braid your locks. Braiding your locks is an easy and fun way to style your locks. Experiment with different types of braids and see which style works best for you and your locks. I like to take small sections and braid my locks in small individual braids and when dry take them loose to have a crinkle effect (really pretty)
Step 4
Put your hair in a pony tail. A simple pony tail is classic and elegant. It can dress up an outfit and pull your look together. A pony tail can also keep you cool during hot summer days. Vary the position of your pony tail according to the style that you are trying to achieve.
•Step 5
Accessorize. Use beads, berets, shells, or clips to adorn your lovely locks. (I like to use flowers) The sky is the limit when it comes to accessorizing your locks. Accessorize your locks in a way that best suits your style. When your locks look good, you look and feel good.
Enjoy the freedom(✿◠‿◠)
Wash your sisterlocks. Until your locks mature band and braid your locks to keep them from coming apart. Use a gentle shampoo and conditioner whenever you wash your locks. After washing your hair you can oil your scalp with an essential oil. This keeps your scalp hydrated and free from itching. It is important to follow hair care instructions from your consultant.
•Step 2
After you have washed your locks you are ready to style them. Sisterlocks are unique because you can treat them like any other hairstyle. Style your locks like you did before you had locks.
•Step 3
Braid your locks. Braiding your locks is an easy and fun way to style your locks. Experiment with different types of braids and see which style works best for you and your locks. I like to take small sections and braid my locks in small individual braids and when dry take them loose to have a crinkle effect (really pretty)
Step 4
Put your hair in a pony tail. A simple pony tail is classic and elegant. It can dress up an outfit and pull your look together. A pony tail can also keep you cool during hot summer days. Vary the position of your pony tail according to the style that you are trying to achieve.
•Step 5
Accessorize. Use beads, berets, shells, or clips to adorn your lovely locks. (I like to use flowers) The sky is the limit when it comes to accessorizing your locks. Accessorize your locks in a way that best suits your style. When your locks look good, you look and feel good.
Enjoy the freedom(✿◠‿◠)
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Basket Weave Pony Tail
It has been a very hot summer, don't you agree! Most days I wear a pony tail. I wish my pictures were more clear. The top of my head I did a simple basket weave and just pulled the rest of my locks into a pony tail.
Added a flower...simple right?
Enjoy the freedom(✿◠‿◠)
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